100 years of canola returns

by | Nov 6, 2021 | Assignment

Put together a Microsoft Excel worksheet to analyze 100 years of canola returns using the random number expression =rand between(X,Y). Yield is 28 – 40 bu/ac.

Price is $6 – $10/bu. Cost is $250 – $270/ac. Start with equity of $500/ac and track gains or losses over the 100 years. Graph cumulative profit and equity. Recalculate scenarios by hitting the key. Set up a table as follows:# Yield Price Sales Costs Profit Cum Profit Equity

Repeat 1 with costs $270 – $290.Repeat 1 with costs $240 – $260.2. Put together a Microsoft Excel worksheet to analyze 100 years of wheat returns.

Start with $500/acre equity. Put ranges around total operating costs per acre (+/-10%), total fixed costs per acre(+/- 2%), labour costs per acre (+/- 10%), price(+/- 20%) per bushel and yield in bushels per acre (+/- 20%). Using the random number expression =rand between(X,Y), calculate and track gains or losses over the100 years. Graph cumulative profit and equity. Recalculate scenarios by hitting the key. Set up a table as follows:# Yield Price Sales Costs Profit Cum Profit Equity

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