Hygge Animated Video

by | Nov 15, 2021 | Education

Create a lesson plan for any K-12 grade or subject area utilizing activities and integrate technology into your plan.
Design a Lesson Plan to Teach the Concept of Hygge
At the completion of this assignment, you will turn in:

  1. An animated video about Hygge that you have created
  2. A written basic lesson plan for teaching Hygge
    Task #1: Create a one to two-minute animated video about Hygge using a free animated online site
    Online Sites to Easily Make Animated Videos Online for Free:
    • Moovly https://www.moovly.com/
    • PowToon https://www.powtoon.com/home/?
    • Animaker https://www.animaker.com/
    • Biteable https://biteable.com/
    Examples of Animated Videos Providing Instruction on Hygge:
    • What is ‘hygge? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8VAksNMroY
    • What is HYGGE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7s-csxL_Js
    • How Danish Stay Cozy with Hygge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR58Yo3jkMM
    • HYGGE – a feeling of cozy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhImjiW0svY
    • Hygge and Happiness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQEJwQv92T8
    LSC-Montgomery Professor Golden Education Department

Task #2: Design a written Basic Lesson Plan that integrates your newly created Hygge Animated Video into your instruction
A written lesson plan describes how learning is to be organized and facilitated in the classroom and documents specific plans for teaching.
To develop a lesson plan:
• Determine what will be taught.
• Formulate the learning objectives for the lesson (e.g., “at the end of the lesson, learners will…”).

Lesson plans contain the following 5 components:

Learning objectives:

a. Develop clear, measurable objectives to guide what will be taught.
b. Identify objectives outlining what learners will be able to know/do as a result of the lesson

Materials and Resources:

a. Choose materials and resources that will help student understanding of the lesson.


a. Determine the steps of the activity and how long the activity will take.
b. Create activities that are clear in focus, engaging and relate to learner interests.
c. Use an introductory activity to get students engaged in the topic and connected to their prior experience.


a. Must directly measure whether each learning objective was met, and/or how well it was met.
b. Use a variety of assessment methods to capture learning, allow students with different learning styles to shine, and monitor their own progress.

Wrap up and Reflection:

a. Devise a way for learners to capture the high points. What is the goal for learners to take away from the lesson?.
b. Build in discussion time and ask learners to summarize what they learned or apply what they learned to other contexts in their life.

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