Average GPA

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Assignment Help

Statistics professor wants to find out the average GPA (grade point average) for all students at UMKC. He uses all students enrolled in his statistics class as a sample and collects information on their GPAs to find the average GPA.

(a) Identify the (statistical) population and (statistical) sample.

(b) Is this a random sample or nonrandom sample?

(c) What kind of sample is it? In other words, is it a simple random sample, a convenient sample, or a judgement sample?

Suppose another statistics professor at UMKC obtains a list of all students enrolled at UMKC from the registrar’s office and then selects 150 students at random from this list using a statistical software package such as Minitab. Then she collects information on their GPA also through the database of registrar’s and finds another average GPA.

(d) Is this a random sample or nonrandom sample?(e) What kind of sample is it? In other words, is it a simple random sample, a convenient sample, or a judgement sample? (Read the material on the back)(f) Which of the average GPA, the one estimated by him or by her, is more representative to the population’s GPA? Explains

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