Social deviance

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Assignment

It is an example of research on social deviance, a topical area closely linked to crime.  Finally, I hope that it will begin to stimulate your thinking toward the themes of forthcoming readings related to inequalities of race and gender.   it is imperative that you take notes as you move through the article. It will actually save you time in the end. After you have read the article, write an essay in which you address the following:

a) in what ways is the research “grounded?”  To answer this you may need to refer to your notes on my audio lecture in week two;

b) what is the “time out” hypothesis and how does Peralta’s research refine it?

c) briefly summarize what you feel to be Peralta’s most important findings as they relate to differences between and among Blacks and Whites, men and women?  

d) finally, explain what is “sociological” about the research and findings?     Spell-check, grammar-check and edit your essay and then submit it the assignments folder.

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