Data structures

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Assignment

HOMEWORK 1CS512 Data Structures You will submit your completed homework via EMS. Find the Big-O complexity of the following growth functions?  (5 points) 6.4n2 + 0.98n + 0.2 83t1/4 + 71/4 +9t3/4 10n3 + 78 n2log n y4 + y6 – Find the dominant term in the following growth functions. (5 points)7t8(1+t2) log m + m log m6n + 5n-1 71n4 + 75n2 + 71 + n4 Find the order of complexity for each of these expressions.x3 + x 2 ? 3x + 2 44log n + 63n + n3 998 y2 + y + 11.2    Arrange the growth functions above in the  decreasing order of their time complexity (5 points)How many terms are in the following growth function: T(x) = 3×5 + 6×2 + x Use a calculator and the tabular method to determine the dominant term of the function. What is the Big-O complexity of the function?(5 points)

Explain the following aspects of good software quality: Efficiency Portability             (5 points)

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