Restrict social mobility and keep the rich wealthy

by | Jan 26, 2021 | College (3-4), Research Paper, Sociology

Your final presentation should reflect your ability to collaborate with a partner and make an original oral presentation based on your choice of topics. This assignment will require a creative powerpoint slide show (providing main points only, which may also be in picture or graph form). Other visual aids such as videos or photos are optional. You will have no less than twelve (12) and no more than fifteen (15) minutes to complete your presentation (make sure that your presentation is timed). Your final presentation is worth fifty (50) points toward your final grade.

My topic: Can laws be used to restrict social mobility and keep the rich wealthy
You will be graded on the following criteria:

  1. A brief summary over your selected topic from the assigned reading must be visible (5 points).
  2. Your opinion over your selected topic must be evident (5 points).
  3. Supporting evidence for at least 6 scholarly articles and/or books must be visible (5 points).
  4. Supporting evidence for at least 2 news media source must be visible (5 points).
  5. Creative component, which must include a power point presentation, but may also include a brief video (watch your time), pictures, etc. (5 points).
  6. Power point content should be precise, and presenters should not read directly from the slides. Presenters must show knowledge of the material (5 points).
  7. Good articulation and clarity of presentation (5 points).
  8. Your power point presentation must include a reference page (citations for required supporting evidence only as noted above, must be included) (5 points).
  9. Time management (presentations must be no less than twelve (12) and no more than fifteen (15) minutes in length (5 points). Business casual dress required, this means no jeans, jean jackets, tennis or boat shoes (5 points).

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