Visit the following websites on Ancient Roman buildings and monuments:
From the above websites and the information in the lectures and your book, answer the following questions:
1) Discuss Roman ingenuity in building. Discuss at least 2 buildings or monuments that illustrate how the Romans made technical and engineering advancements (these can include the Pantheon, Colosseum, aqueducts, baths, etc.). use 1 or 2 outside sources if possible
*****2nd page
Visit the following websites and read the information about the Dome of the Rock:
Based on the information above and information from the lectures and your textbook, answer the following questions:
1) Why is the Dome of the Rock an important Islamic building? Why is it considered unique? List at least 3 reasons. use 1 or 2 outside sources if possible
******3rd page
Visit the following websites on pilgrimages and on Saint-Sernin cathedral in Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120:
Based on the information above and from the lectures and textbook, answer the following questions:
1) How was Saint-Sernin the ideal Romanesque pilgrimage church? List at least 4 ways that St. Sernin exemplified this type of church that accommodated pilgrims. list 1-2 sources if possible.