This assignment requires that EACH student select 1 Administrator (e.g., managers, directors, marketers.) who work for a sport facility (or an organization that heavily utilizes its facility for their tenants to host sporting events) including high school/college athletic department/profit- & non-profit sport organizations and conduct personal INTERVIEW.
Assuming the role of a critical observer, each student will evaluate the administrator’s job/work (e.g., factors that affect their job both positively and negatively). The interview can take place in person or can be conducted via phone calls or online meeting apps. The primary objective is to provide the chosen administrators with a list of approximately 10-15 questions that need to be answered.
Interview questions will be crafted by the student (a draft will be provided by the instructor) and should be directed at obtaining important information from that manager about his/her job and the organization/team that he/she manages. This assignment not only provides the student with the opportunity to pick an expert’ brain as to what it takes to manage human resources in sport facilities, but it also provides the student with an opportunity to meet someone in this industry (networking opportunity!). Contacts are critical in sport (facility) administration/management, and human resource management in sport (facilities).
- Find potential interviewees to contact from various sources including newspapers, internet, websites, magazines, phone calls, or word-of-mouth.
- Contact the people via email, phone call, or a combination of more than one.
- When you contact them, provide descriptions about the nature/purpose of the interview along with samples of potential questions.
- In writing (on and offline): create a cover letter that contains the purpose of the interview.
- Verbal explanation: create a script and use it.
- Follow up by sending 2′ notice one week the initial contact (don’t need further action if you have heard from them already).
- Actual interviews: Each interview may take from 30 to 60 minutes. Keep all the records of the feedback from the interviewees by typing, taking notes, recording voice, etc.
- After interviews are completed, review the notes, examine the data, and summarize the overall findings.
- Create a WRITTEN report.
- Review the final report
- Have someone proofread
- And submit it to Blackboard site by the due date.
Interview Questions
- You are required to conduct personal interviews for this assignment
- Each student is required to create their own list of questions to be answered
- Quality of the questions (include follow up questions) will be evaluated and added to the grading
- The instructor will provide a template that shows you a few sample questions
- Quality of your WRITING will affect the final grade significantly (so have someone proofread your final draft before turning it in) • Add a COVER PAGE with course title, class, a title of the work, your name, and date. • Use Times New Roman font 12 inches with the 1-inch margin for all sides • Single spaced (extra space for different paragraphs) • Using APA (American Psychology Association) 7th edition as a guide, provide REFERENCES at the end of your assignment IF USED • LIMIT the pages not more than 7, no less than 4 (exclude cover page) • Insert page numbers at the bottom of each page
The FORMAT of the final report should consist of:
(1) Introduction/background of interviewees (name, organization, job title), reasons for choosing the interviewees, how you approach to this person and how you conduct the interview (length, time, location, ways, etc.)
(2) Questions + responses + follow up questions +responses …
(3) Rational for questions you asked, and insights earned from the feedbacks
(4) Relate and apply what you have learned from the whole process of the assignment to your career goal/expectation and make a conclusion
General rubric for grading (45 points total = 12% of the final grade): Manager Selection and background information (e.g., relevance, variety, thoroughness): 10 points Quality of questions (e.g., relevance, comprehensiveness, diversity): 10 points Quality of answers (e.g., details, comprehensiveness, empirical): 10 points Writing your perspectives (e.g., constructiveness): 10 points Presentation and materials submitted (e.g., layout, organization): 5 points