PSY 321 Project

by | Mar 20, 2022 | Research Paper, Statistics

PSY 321 Project Criteria
Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate sufficient writing skills by (a) communicating research in writing using the tone, grammar, and organization
    appropriate to professional work in psychology.
  2. Students will demonstrate effective collaboration with team members through group activities (e.g., recruiting research subjects, collecting
    data, and/or working in research labs).
  3. Students will demonstrate competence in electronic and information technologies by (a) using computational and statistical software, (b)
    using computers to review abstracts appearing in relevant databases and obtaining full-text versions of the literature relevant to a research
    topic, (c) paraphrasing, quoting, and citing appropriate sources to avoid plagiarism and (d) sufficient use of the APA Style Manual.
  4. Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills and skeptical inquiry by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current research
    literature and/or their own research using psychological research methodology.
  5. Students will demonstrate sufficient use of statistical analysis, interpretation, and presentation of psychological
    data. 6. Students will demonstrate appropriate and ethical use of subjects by going through the process of subject
    You must do your paper individually. Each paper will have one dichotomous independent variable (IV) (e.g., gender), one
    categorical IV with at least three levels (e.g., ethnic group), and one continuous IV (e.g., discrimination). The dependent variable
    will be continuous (e.g., depressive symptoms). The variables will be selected from the research conducted as a class.
    The APA-formatted project will include the following components:
    1.Title page (1 page)
  6. Abstract (1 page)
    3.Introduction (1.5-3 pages)
    a. Purpose
    b. Hypotheses (usually in the form of an alternative hypothesis)
    c. Review of literature
    i. Cite appropriate literature (see “References” below)
    ii. Give at least two citations per paragraph
    iii. Address each independent and dependent variable in the study
    4.Methods (2-3 pages)
    a. Procedures (< 1 page)
    b. Sample characteristics (< 1 page)
    c. Measurement (1 page)
    i. Citations for each measure
    ii. Sample item(s) for each measure
    iii. Response choices for each measure
    iv. How was each measure calculated? Summed, averaged?
    v. If it is a scale that has been used in previous studies, provide previous reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alphas) with citation
    vi. Provide current reliability
    5.Results (1 page)
    a. What analyses were conducted and why?
    b.What were the significant and non significant findings?
    c. Provide test statistics (e.g., t value, F value), effect sizes (e.g., r value), and significance level (i.e., p
    value) 6. Discussion (2-3 pages)
    a. Summarize and explain each finding, such as…
    i. Is the finding consistent with previous literature or theory? Why?
    ii. Is it different than other studies? Why?
    b. Provide at least three limitations to the study
    c. Provide at least two research implications
    d. Provide at least two implications for practice … IF you do not find significant results, implications for practice may be
    difficult. In which case, you can provide additional implications for research.
    7.References – minimum of eight references in APA style. References must be peer-reviewed journal articles and/or edited book
    chapters. No books, textbooks, webpages, magazines, or newspapers will be accepted. Published research reports will be
    allowed with prior instructor approval.
    8.Include one table
    9.Include one figure.

Criteria: 11-15 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, APA style, neat, correct grammar and spelling, stapled
in upper left-hand corner (with no folder).
Plagiarism will result in a zero. In general, you should not use quotes, so to avoid plagiarism, you will need to paraphrase and
cite. When you paraphrase, a good ‘rule of thumb’ is not to have more than three words in the same order as the original source.
Printed copies (not emailed copies) of the papers are due on May 4 at 1:45 p.m. Late papers will be deducted 20% and are due
May 11 at 1:45 p.m. No late papers will be accepted after 1:45 p.m.
Besides bringing a printed copy of your paper to class, you must upload a copy (instructions will be given in class). This copy
must be uploaded prior to May 4 at 1:45 p.m. Failure to upload a copy will result in a 10% reduction in grade.
Print this page and staple it to the
front of your paper.
Points Content of the Paper
5 1. Title page
5 2. Abstract
20 3. Introduction
2 a. Purpose
3 b. Hypotheses
15 c. Review of literature
i. Cite appropriate literature
ii. At least two citations per paragraph
iii. Address each independent and dependent variable in
the study
25 4. Methodology
7.5 a. Procedures
7.5 b. Sample characteristics
10 c. Measurement
i. Citations for each measure
ii. Sample item(s) for each measure
iii. Response choices for each measure
iv. How was each measure calculated
v. Provide previously established reliabilities (e.g.,
Cronbach’s alphas) with citation (for scales that have been
used in prior studies)
vi. Provide current reliability for each scale
10 5. Results
a. What analyses were conducted and why?
b. What were the significant and non significant findings?
c. Provide test statistics and significance level
19 6. Discussion
10 a. Summarize and explain each finding
i. Is the finding consistent with previous literature or
theory? Why?
ii. Is it different than other studies? Why?
4 b. Provide at least three limitations to the study
3 c. Provide at least two research implications
2 d. Provide at least two implications for practice
10 7. References – minimum of 8 cited peer-reviewed
journal articles and/or edited book chapters in the
reference section in APA style
3 8. One table
3 9. One figure
Students can lose or gain points on the following
APA formatting of paper – includes margins, spacing,
headings. Other APA formatting (e.g.,
internal citing, references) are
included in sections above)
-5 11-15 pages, typed, good quality printing, single-sided or double-sided, stapled, no folder
-20 Correct grammar
-20 Correct spelling (.5 points for each error)
-100 Plagiarism
+10 Bonus points for exceptional work
TOTAL POINTS – 100 points

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