Development of organisational strategy

by | Apr 2, 2022 | Management

The assignment for this Level 7 module tests for an advanced level of knowledge and comprehension of a range of concepts, models and theories related to the development of organisational strategy. It also provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to analyse the performance of an organisation’s existing strategies and to develop alternative strategies with due consideration of risk. If you do not demonstrate the appropriate level of knowledge of strategic concepts covered by the module and / or do not undertake the level of critical thinking that is required in order to develop effective alternative strategies, you will not pass the assessment.

It is expected that the highest achievers will demonstrate not only their competence related to strategic concepts but also a sophisticated level of thinking in the construction of their alternative strategy, justifying their choice and taking into account elements of benefit, cost and risk. The highest achieving students will additionally demonstrate competence in terms of academic practice and rigour. Hence, in order to attain the higher grades for your work, you will need to demonstrate a high level of critical analysis and the ability to reference work appropriately and accurately using a wide range of sources and adhering to the Harvard referencing system.

To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 50%. Failure to achieve a pass after the second attempt will result in the student being withdrawn from the course.

Assessment Brief

The module is assessed through one assessment component:

Students submit PPT 10 slides (max) with 1500 words annotation

2.1 Required task(s)

Identify an organisational strategy you admire.

Use the strategic management course material (models, concepts and theories) to evaluate the company strategy. Based on your analysis, recommend strategic options for the organisation. Reflecting on what have you learned on the module, explain what would you advise the company to do and why.

2.2 Word count

Students submit PPT 10 slides (max) with 1500 words annotation

The word limit is for your coursework assignment, and does not cover material submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background for your coursework, but it will not be marked unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the Appendix, then this included work in the Appendices are not marked.

Your references page will not be included in the word count, but inline citations used in the main body of the assignment (e.g. Smith and Jones (2010) identified that…will be included in the word count.

You are required to declare the number of words used in your assignment. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements

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