Home rule powers

by | Apr 7, 2022 | Assignment Help

In the Chapter 3, we discussed how local governments provide citizens with an abundance of services, while given very little power. In the state of Texas cities can either be a home rule city or a general law city, with one type granting cities more power and  autonomy than the other. Be sure to read Chapter 3 and get a good understanding of both types and how cities are classified for each type and respond to the question below.

Write in your own word by watching lecture video. Minimum required 300 words.

Discussion Board Topic

Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens? Why would the Texas state legislature and particular powerful economic interest groups be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties?

Lecture video link: https://dcccd.yuja.com/V/Video?v=950062&node=3825098&a=226995930&autoplay=1

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