Biography of a philosopher

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Essay, Philosophy

This assignment will require you to write a 500-word short biography of a philosopher whose work we have not covered in class. You must have your choice approved by4/24(email is preferable so that there is a record). Any submission that was not approved of by this date will not be accepted. In this biography you MUST include but are not limited to, the following:

1) Basic biographical details (Date/Location of Birth, Family, Job, etc.).

2) The school of philosophy to which he belonged.

3) Any major ideas or concepts for which he was known.

4) A bibliography of his major writings.

Again, this must be 500 words long, typed double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. This assignment must be submitted electronically as a .doc or .docx (Microsoft Words document) file to my email by 5:00 PM (the last day of class, and the same day that the Term Paper is due). Completion of the assignment to my satisfaction will result in ten(10) points being added to your lowest exam grade.

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