The essay must be at least 1500 words.
The essay must employ an explicit, arguable thesis statement.
The essay must employ at least three reputable sources.
The essay must follow all MLA standards for presentation, citation, and documentation.
The essay must employ correct spelling and grammar.
It must have a double-spaced heading in the top left-hand corner of the first page only, with the following information (in the exact order): your name, instructor’s name, class, date (March 21, 2021).
Lastly, in the header, your last name and page number must appear.
The Annotated Bibliography spurred us to research the topic, and now we can use our findings to write the Research Essay. This essay will be an argument-driven, research-based essay.
Topic: The Effect Looks Have on the Life of a Girl/Woman
A. Looks Effect on Social Life
B. Looks Effect on Romantic Life
C. Looks Effect on Professional Life
Attached is the annotated bibliography written on this topic.