Marketing 4333 Individual Project

by | Apr 1, 2021 | College (3-4), Marketing, Research Paper

Marketing 4333 CRN 31078 Individual Project
Due April 24th

Marketing Research Project

Your assignment is to research one of the selected companies/organizations and write a paper on your findings. The assumptions are there is a decrease in sales, profits, and/or market share related to current economic conditions. Based on these assumptions for your selected company/organization you will use the following constructs: 

Chapter 2 pp. 29-41 Overview of Research Process
Step 1: Identify and Clarify Information Needs
Step 2: Define the Research Questions 
Step 3: Specify Research Objectives and Confirm the Information Value
Step 4: Determine the Research Design and Data Source
Step 5: Develop the Sampling Design and Sample Size
Step 6: Examine Measurement Issues and Scale 
Step 7: Design and Pretest the Questionnaire
Step 8: Collect and Prepare Data
Step 9: Analyze Data 
Step 10: Interpret Data to Create Knowledge
Step 11: Prepare and Present the Final Report

Chapter 13 pp. 357-374 Format of the Marketing Research Report
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Executive summary 
a. Problem Statement 
b. Research objectives 
c. Concise statement of method
d. Summary of key findings
e. Conclusions and recommendations 
4. Introduction 
5. Research method and procedures
6. Data analysis and findings
7. Limitations
8. Appendixes 

Data collected should be current, within the last twelve to eighteen month. Collect a minimum of 3 sources of secondary data, no primary data is required. This paper should be double spaced, cover sheet, body 9 to 10 pages in length, reference page, Appendixes, and APA format.

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