Ethical Problem

by | Jul 12, 2022 | Homework Help

PHIL250 — Practices in Analytical Thinking

Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric

This Assessment is worth 25% of your grade


Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following:

Course Outcomes

  • Articulate an essential question on a topic of interest that demonstrates appreciation of diverse points of view using analytic approaches
  • Performs research appropriate to the chosen topic. Compose a research paper with appropriate citation style, demonstrating application of critical thinking and thought processes and strategies.
  • Demonstrate a tolerance for and an appreciation of ambiguity.
  • Demonstrate creative problem solving.
  • Integrate knowledge from diverse viewpoints into a unified whole.

Institutional Outcomes

  • Information Literacy and Communication – Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
  • Relational Learning – Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
  • Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning – Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
  • Community and Career – Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.


Deliverable items for the Portfolio Project will be required at different points during the course. Details for each submission are included below. The timeline is as follows: Deadline Activity Due by the end of Week 2 at 11:59 pm, ET. Essential Questions Instructor will provide Feedback Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET. Submit Portfolio Project Topic Form Instructor will provide Feedback Due by the end of Week 4 at 11:59 pm, ET. Submit Portfolio Project Outline Form Instructor will provide Feedback

Requirements and Formatting

Your Portfolio Project must be formatted as follows:

  • APA formatting
    • a. Title and References page
    • b. Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font
    • c. 1-inch margins
    • d. Page numbers in top right corner
    • e. 750 Word Minimum- Essay section only (word count does not include Cover page and Works Cited)
  • APA Citations
    • a. Include information, as well as in-text citations and an entry on the References page, from a minimum of four scholarly and professional sources (not including your textbook)
    • b. For APA information refer to the Bryant & Stratton College APA Style Guide located in the Student Resource button.


In today’s workplace employers have shared that one of the most important skills they are seeking in qualified candidates is critical thinking, as you’ll see represented below. It is essential that you are able to illustrate to an employer your knowledge and skills as it relates to critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making. To support your ability to demonstrate these skills to an employer, this project has been designed to enable you the opportunity to present two sides of an ethical topic of interest to you and to justify based on your analysis and evaluation, which side you support the most. This project also provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your research and critical evaluation to ensure that the resources you will use are credible and reliable.

Employers Stress Communication, Thinking Skills

About four in five employers say critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills are-very important’ for recent college graduates to possess, according to a survey by Hart Research Associates. Employers also say good oral- and written-communication skills and the ability to work in teams me highly important.

The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Ethics are important because they allow society to continue to function, helping people to interact and live their daily lives in a functional way. They are important because they can govern a person’s code of behavior and prevent moral wrongs from occurring. Seemingly simple things can be considered ethical such as the proper use of company resources. Is it ethical to access social media for personal use while using company time and resources? Perhaps, what if that is part of your job scope and responsibilities? Another consideration, is it ethical to use company supplies for personal use or is this considered stealing from the company? No matter what your career path, ethical decisions are all around you personally, professionally, and academically.


You will identify an ethical problem in your field of work or study, perform research and compose an informative and persuasive research paper stating the problem along with your viewpoints on the issue. If you are having difficulty selecting a topic, ask for guidance from your instructor. Once you have determined your topic, use the Bryant & Stratton College Virtual Library and other available resources to gather ideas and various viewpoints on your chosen topic.

Avoid the temptation at this early stage to “take a position” on the issue; making a judgment at this point will limit your own developing perspective. Use your information literacy and critical thinking skills to investigate differing viewpoints in the research process and critically evaluate the materials, then analyze the structure of how you will present the supporting arguments. Performing this research process ensures that you are adequately informed about all sides of an issue. Then, use your research and your notes to determine your position and write your project.

Deliverable Descriptions

Week 2 — Essential Question Discussion

After thoroughly reviewing the Portfolio Project directions and rubric, please consider your starting point as to what questions you need to ask before you begin the research process. The following questions are examples of Essential Questions:

  1. What are ethics and values?
  2. What choices do we have when facing situations where there is no clear answer or apparent solution?
  3. How do we make choices that preserve our own sense of integrity, and the integrity of others, within the organizations where we work?
  4. What values are important within my profession and to my employer?
  5. What ethical considerations should guide me when making difficult choices at home, in school, at work, and in my community?

Next, create one Essential Question you think will help you focus on developing your Portfolio Project. After you have shared your discussion post, please respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts and provide them with thoughts and feedback on their essential questions.

For additional information on Essential Questions, please reference the following link: Essential Questions Explained

Be sure to proofread to ensure that you don’t have any spelling or grammar errors.

Week 3 — Portfolio Project Topic

The first step of your project is to pick an ethical problem in your field of work or study and propose a solution to that problem. Your assignment will be designed as a decision making and problem-solving project, one where you demonstrate through critical reasoning that your viewpoint is the appropriate ethical position to take on the moral issue in question.

Your topic should include the following elements:

  1. Identify your topic (what workplace ethical dilemma are you addressing?)
  2. Which position are you taking on your topic? (argument)
  3. What position would an opponent to your position take and why are they wrong? (counterargument)

Some topics you might consider include: Use of Social Media for Hiring Practices, Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement, Physician Assisted Suicide, Ethical Pain Management, Surrogacy, Privacy Concerns, Criminal Backgrounds and Hiring Practices, Drug Testing in the Workplace, Ethical Expectations of Part Time Workers, Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools, The Legalization of Prostitution, The De-criminalization of Marijuana, and Whistle-Blowing.

Remember, you will be taking a position on the ethical issue in question, showing your understanding of opposing viewpoints, and explaining why your ethical reasoning is the correct ethical choice.

Use the following Worksheet to aid you in picking your topic. Double click on the icon below to open the worksheet.

Instructor will provide Feedback.

Week 4 — Portfolio Project Outline

Your completed Portfolio Project needs to include the following so this week you will need to create a well-developed outline that shows how these elements will be integrated throughout your project. This will allow your instructor the ability to provide a high level of quality feedback:

  1. Introduction: This will present your ethical issue and thesis statement (explanation of what your project will present) and should be one paragraph in length. Be sure to describe the topic you have chosen, issues that arise from this topic, and what the reader will learn in your paper. Close the paragraph with a clear, concise thesis statement that states your position on the topic.
    • Sample thesis statement: In this essay, I will examine racial profiling in community law enforcement and argue that while strong assumptions based on race are unjust it is practical and necessary for law enforcement officials to consider all factors that may be relevant to their safety in community policing.
  2. Ethical Issue: This section is the main portion of your project.
    • Present information that support your thesis using at least two resources to support your viewpoint and thesis statement. The assignment is an argumentative ethics project in which you support your stance on the topic. It is not a report that details the history of the subject or all the technical details involved with the topic. For example, if you are writing a paper on the use of social media in hiring decisions you should not explain how social media works or give the history of social media. Your project should take an ethical stance on the topic, while exploring the merits of other positions.
    • Present an opposing viewpoint. Opposing viewpoints consider positions that differ from the one you have taken. Remember, good critical thinking does not work in black and white terms, but rather displays a tolerance for ambiguity and considers other positions for their individual merits.
  3. Conclusion: In this section, you will bring the ideas presented throughout your project all together in a comprehensive summary that reiterates your viewpoint and how this is further supported by existing research.
  4. References: After your conclusion, start a new page that lists the references you used for your project. These citations are to follow APA guidelines.

Instructor will provide Feedback.

Week 5 — Portfolio Project References

Following APA guidelines, list at least three references that you will use to present the ethical issue and that support your ability to explain your viewpoint. At least two of these references must support your position and at least one of the references supports the opposing position to your own. In this week’s submission, include reasoning as to why you selected these resources and how you determined them to be reliable and valid in supporting your project topic.

Week 6 — Portfolio Project Peer Review and Feedback Discussion

This is a second discussion, separate from your weekly discussion.

Share your Portfolio project topic and all sides of the ethical issue in the Peer Review discussion forum so that your peers will have an opportunity to share their helpful insights and viewpoints. Provide constructive feedback to at least two of your classmates. Be respectful and professional as you provide constructive feedback.

Week 7 – Upload Your Portfolio Project

After incorporating peer and instructor feedback, submit your final Portfolio Project to the following Institutional Outcome in your ePortfolio. Use the following naming convention: PHIL250 — Portfolio Project.

  • Relational Learning – Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.

Week 7.5 Workplace Capabilities Reflection

For the final piece of your Portfolio Project, you will reflect upon the course and how it directly relates to the Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities.

You have the opportunity to present this reflection in one of two ways. To meet expectations for this assignment, at minimum, you must submit your reflections addressing the required elements as outlined below in a PowerPoint with voiceover. In the event that you would like to work towards achieving exceeds expectations, you can submit your reflections fully addressing the required elements as outlined below in a video presentation.

Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities

Tolerance Communication Attitude Interpersonal Skills Perseverance Enthusiasm Problem Solving Persuasion Productivity Dependability Informational Literacy Technological Literacy Financial Literacy

For this reflection, discuss the course Workplace Capability of Tolerance and one other Workplace Capability of your choice as listed above and discuss the following:

  • a. Relate these Workplace Capabilities to your future career. Describe the value of these Workplace Capabilities.
  • b. In your own words reflect on how this project meets the Institutional outcomes as stated on the first page.

The reflection should be approximately 2 — 3 minutes in length. Upload and submit your final reflection.

Reflection Grading Criteria for PowerPoint:

  • Slides must be organized. Font color, size, and style must be easy to read
  • Slides should be in bullet-point format. Avoid full paragraphing or narratives
  • Bullet points must highlight main points of the reflection questions

Oral Presentation Requirements:

  • Student’s voice should be clear and easy to understand.
  • Student should provide additional insight to PowerPoint slides in his/her own words. Student should not read verbatim from the slides.
  • Student should avoid non-words (“Um,” “Uh,” “You know”) and practice using professional language.

For further directions on how to create a PowerPoint with voiceover and/or a video in Blackboard, go to Student Resources.

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