Analysis of Family, School, and Community

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Education, Homework Help

As a student participating in this class, you will examine the socialization of a child within their family, school and community. You will conduct research, gather data, and complete a 4-5 page written report that answers several different descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory questions. Using a set of guiding questions, you will first conduct an interview with, or administer a survey to your selected family to find out information about the child family and their community. Follow the outline to create your written report. You may add questions that help complete the objective, but make sure not to skip a topic area.

Also, be sure to use our textbook as a reference by applying terminology and concepts.

Introduction of the Child & Schooling

Begin the assignment by introducing us to the child and their family. Begin by giving their name, gender, age, physical description, and culture. Proceed with your introductions of the family by describing their family composition, siblings, and extended family. State the school the child attends and their academic abilities. End this section by briefly describing their home and neighborhood/community.

Assessing the Surrounding Community

Determine the characteristics and effectiveness of the child’s community.

Points to Consider:

• When gathering personally identifiable information from parents, always maintain the confidentiality of the parent, child, and other family members. As a professional, you are obligated to follow all laws relating to confidentiality.
• Remember to use professional behavior in your interactions with parents, teachers and other members of the community. Dress professionally and appropriately when presenting yourself to your volunteer family, and community agents.
• If parents, classroom teachers, or community agent request a copy of your interview questions, their responses or both, provide them a copy.
• Keep a log of your activities. Note the day and times you are in the home of your volunteer family.
• Be flexible with your questions and questioning techniques.
• You are not to criticize, or make suggestions to the family, culture, personal habits, or parenting styles.

Evaluating Family Effectiveness

Interview the child’s parent(s) with the following questions.

  • What type of parenting style do the parents use?
  • Are they consistent in home management, family routines (bedtime, meals, and relaxation) and household regulations?
  • What responsibilities does the child have at home?
  • Are the parents’ expectations of the child realistic?
  • What hopes and dreams do they have for their children?
  • Are nutritious meals prepared every day?
  • Does the child have many opportunities to play?
  • Who does the child socialize with on a normal basis?
  • Is there mutual caring and acceptance form family members?
  • Does the family have a support network of extended family and friends?
  • How often does the family read together?
  • Does the family utilizes any social services, or are aware of them?
  • Does a doctor see the child yearly for their check up and up to date on their immunizations?
  • Can the parents lead their children through tasks and problems using appropriate communication and instruction techniques?
  • Other questions relevant to the situation.

Assessing School Effectiveness – Ask the parent about the child’s school experience

  • What is the child’s attitude about going to school?
  • Does the child enjoy school? What is their favorite subject?
  • Is the facility safe and maintained well?
  • Is it evident that the school collaborates with families?
  • What Texas rating does the school hold this past school year? (childcare center licensing)
  • Do teachers demonstrate the ability to use different teaching strategies and techniques?
  • Are children engaged in lessons, projects, and hand-on activities?
  • Is there evidence that the teacher enjoys her job and love of teaching?
  • Does the teacher empower the children through encouragement and praise?
  • Does the teacher celebrate the diversity of the classroom and acknowledge the different cultures?
  • Is there evidence of success and achievement within the classroom?
  • Other questions relevant to the situation.

Assessing the Surrounding Community

Determine the characteristics and effectiveness of the child’s community by answering the following questions.

  • Are the social services and healthcare systems near each other?
  • How balanced are the community resources available to families?
  • Are there religious institutions nearby that assist families and encourage out-reach programs?
  • Do those commercial enterprises take part in adopt a school programs, or donate funds to local schools?
  • Are there special interest groups available to the families of the community for assistance and information?
  • Are there positive social networks in place such as community clubs, block parties, and events?
  • Are social clubs available to the children, such as sports programs scouts, and 4-H?
  • Are there parks and recreational facilities within walking distance?
  • Is there a public library that children have access to nearby?
  • Do the members of the community show interest in the schools, neighborhoods, and the children?
  • Other questions relevant to the situation.


Reflect what you learned from each of the following areas: home, school, and community. What profile did you find from your research? Are there any factors from the home environment that will affect the child’s development? Are there any changes that you would recommend to the family or resources that they could utilize? What do the parents think of their child’s school and teacher? Do your findings agree or disagree with the parents’ perceptions? Do the parents need to be more involved with their child’s school and academic success? Is there anything missing in their community? How do the parents feel about their child’s safety within their community? After reviewing all of your findings, which setting seem the strongest and the weakest? Which area has the biggest impact on the child’s socialization and development? Looking at this child’s environment, how is it the same or different then your own
childhood? End your research with your overall thoughts.

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