Knowledge Translation (KT) Critique

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Education

Knowledge Translation (KT) Critique (20%) and Peer Evaluation (5%)

Research findings can be used in various ways by various stakeholders and can have a significant impact on policies and practices within the health and education systems, as well as shaping our society in innumerable ways. The average citizen receives most of their information about research findings from the media including newspapers, television and radio news broadcasts, magazines, and social media.


As part of becoming more critical consumers of research, you will work in pairs or in a small group of three students to:

a) Select a news media report of a research discovery, finding, or result that is related to education. Focus on news articles (paper or digital) rather than audio/video/social media (e.g., Podcasts, Twitter). Make sure the media report focuses on the findings of one recent research study. Email me a link to the news report for approval of your selection by October 16.

b) Search for and retrieve the original research article(s) on which the news piece was based. Email me the original research article (make sure it is a full article published in a peer-reviewed journal) by October 23.

c) Critically analyze the media report, with a particular focus on how it presents the research design and methods, and whether conclusions and implications presented in the report are warranted.

d) Compare the media report with the original article and assess whether the reporting of the research appears accurate.

e) Consider the original research article, especially the research design, results, and implications. If appropriate, suggest alternate methods and/or explanations for the findings.

All groups will submit their assignments by November 6.

You will share your work (week of November 7 or November 14) with your PLCs by:

a) Preparing a short video recorded presentation (you can use Zoom or another Screen-recording tool) to introduce the media report (briefly) and the original article and critiquing how the media report translates the information from the original article (15-20 minutes).

b) Developing three or four main questions that will generate discussion and questioning among your classmates and that will assist them in acting as critical consumers of the media report.

c) Facilitating discussion (on the Brightspace weekly discussion board) among your PLC group members.

Your presentation will be uploaded into Brightspace the week of November 7 or November 14 (I will upload the files for you). Your group will be responsible for facilitating the discussion in your PLC that week. We will determine which week your group will present once I have a better sense of the number of groups in each PLC.
There will likely be more than one discussion topic these weeks.

Note: Group work will be peer-evaluated and constitute 5% of the assignment grade.

For this assignment, your group will submit:

Due: October 16 > by email

a) The media report (e.g., digital copy, weblink)

Due: October 23 > by email

b) The original research article(s) which the news piece was based

Due: November 6 > in Brightspace

c) A video recorded presentation (15-20 minutes) that will be shared with your
PLC group.d) A two-page summary (max.) of your group’s critique
*1.5 line spacing for this assignment
e) List of discussion questions
f) Peer-evaluation (within the group)

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