Quantitative journal article critique

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Research Paper

The quantitative journal article critique assignments will enhance the student’s ability to critically read and analyze published research. The student will select an article from a refereed or scholarly journal, identify the major components of the article, and assess whether the authors have clearly described and supported each element.

I. Statement of the Problem (30) Student identifies clearly and thoroughly: a. Research topic b. Research problem c. Research question(s) or hypotheses 0 points = None of these are identified clearly or thoroughly 6-25 points = One or more areas are not identified clearly or thoroughly 30 points = Each area is clearly and thoroughly identified

II. Review of the Literature (20) 0 points = No analysis is done of the literature presented 10-20 points = Student clearly identifies how the literature justifies the problem and leads to the research question(s)

III. Methods (30) 0 points = Not able to correctly identify the sections in the method and whether the study is quantitative,. 10-30 points = Student clearly identifies each section and comments on potential strengths/weaknesses of the sections and whether they are appropriate to quantitative methods

IV. Results and Discussion/ Conclusions (20) 0 points = Not able to correctly identify sections or explain whether results and discussion are accurate and justifiable. 10-20 points = Student can correctly identify sections and explain how results and conclusions are accurate and justifiable. Student identified whether hypothesis (hypotheses) was accepted or rejected.

Before you send your assignment:

1. Make sure you used a correct journal article. If not let send article to me for approval

2. When sending your critique make sure you attach the journal article used.

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