
by | Feb 27, 2023 | Homework Help | 0 comments

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6A—This module revisits the concept of “self-determination.” In at least 250 words, discuss the significance of Simón Bolívar and the Jamaica Letter/Carta de Jamaica and explain how the era of colonization led to an era of nation-building and the rise of nationalism.

Consider some of the contextual factors that contributed to different peoples and cultures in the Americas wanting to not only have their own nations but to develop stronger cultural identities for them. Use specific support from the Jamaica Letter/Carta de Jamaica and/or other module content.

6B—Review the section in this module on the romanticized Argentine gaucho figure Martín Fierro and its similarities to the main characters in Mexican and Central American corridos and African American “bad man folk tales.” (Supplementary information about corridos also appears in the module.)

In another 250 words, reflect on what contextual factors may have influenced the popularity of these “bad men” folk heroes. Aren’t heroes supposed to be “good”? What would make a cultural moment celebrate anti-heroes? What might the popularity of these characters in poetry and song tell us about some of the social and cultural changes that were taking place as the colonial period gave way to the modern era?

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