Selecting a Topic

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Homework Help, Psychology | 0 comments

GET ANSWER – Final Project: Selecting a Topic
Developing a research proposal is a good way to experience the research aspects of social psychology firsthand without conducting an actual research study.

In this assignment, you need to develop a research proposal. Your research proposal must be a 10–12-page document and include the following sections:

Literature Review
Discussion and Conclusion
Each week, you will concentrate on creating a section of the research proposal. The Methodology section may be based on either of the two major research designs, quantitative and qualitative. You will develop the final project as the course progresses by collating all the sections and incorporating them into a final proposal due for submission in Week 10.

This Week

Work on the Introduction section of the research proposal. Include the following:

Select a topic for your research project.
Explain why this topic is of interest to you (Be careful not to use first-person as this is a formal paper).
Explain the topic and describe the potential research areas in the topic.

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