STSE/social justice themed lesson

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Education, Reflection Paper | 0 comments

Assignment #3: STEM-STSE Themed Lesson and Reflection

Prepare an issues based/STSE/social justice themed lesson, which you would use (or which you have used) in your practicum placement (using a lesson design template provided). Incorporate instructional strategies discussed in various classes, or from readings. Provide a summary reflection of the lesson accounting for the appropriateness of this activity for primary/junior children. Describe the social justice issue focused upon in the lesson and explain the particular learning objectives you are aiming to achieve which extend beyond the curriculum. If it is a lesson which you taught, you may wish to reflect on strengths and areas of improvement for the lesson. Describe and explain the reasons for what you would do differently if you could teach the lesson again. (Maximum length for the reflection portion is 2 pages, double-spaced, excluding references).

A few notes and comments:

1) The length of the lesson is entirely up to you. It can be 50 mins or 200 mins plus, with learning extended over a week.

2) The lesson plan format is entirely up to you. You only need to ensure that is clear, coherent and comprehensive to touch upon all aspects tied to the evaluation criteria. The length of the lesson plan is left to you – please ensure that you are providing the details and descriptions for what relates to the evaluation criteria. The lesson plan should be easy to follow and understand, enough for anyone to pick up and implement themselves. The lesson plan can be something which you’ve taught, or seen, or adapted, or originally drafted. It can be from any grade from Grades 1-6.

3) The lesson design should explicitly state the grade and curriculum unit being covered. As well, the curriculum expectations should be fully and clearly stated. You should ensure actual correspondence between the expectations and the lesson content. Curriculum expectations should obviously be from the Gr 1-6 Science & Math Curriculum documents, but may also include grade expectations from other subject areas.

4) The STSE/social justice issue can be directly from a curriculum unit or expectation(s) or can be something which extends from the curriculum unit or expectation(s).

5) Instructional strategies should be clear and appropriate for the grade level. You should be able to draw upon strategies and/or pedagogical paradigms and approaches discussed in PJ Science and elsewhere. Be careful not to fall into the trap of understating your development strategies. E.g. use storybook, versus, read storybook and pausing at different instances to highlight and emphasize issues x, y and z. Please ensure you provide appropriate details and descriptions to clearly communication correspondence to the evaluation criteria.

6) Assessment strategies should extend beyond “name-dropping” and be clearly described in purpose and use, i.e. make sure you mention the explicit “look-for’s.” Assessment should be purposeful in revealing areas of comprehension/ miscomprehension. There should be clarity to the use of such strategies to evidence learning, as well as directions for improving learning.

7) References should be cited for any sources accessed, related to the assignment.

8) The maximum length for the reflection portion of the paper is 2 pages, using font-size 12, double spaced, not including cover page and reference page. To be fair to others who abide by such conditions, any paper which is longer than 2 pages, or spaced differently (than double-spaced) will be penalized, at a minimum of 5%.

9) Please review the assignment description, evaluation criteria and these additional notes, prior to your submission, to ensure your success.

10) Please do not forget to include your name, course and section number on the front/title page.

If there are any further questions or concerns, please email me.

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