The Simon Effect

by | Feb 13, 2024 | Psychology | 0 comments

Final Project: Discussion & Conclusion – The Simon Effect

In Week 3, you used the South University Online Library to find two of the articles that support your final project. You should continue to find additional articles in your topic. This week, you will now begin to write the Discussion & Conclusion section of your final project.

The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of your discussion and conclusion. This is where you bring together what you have learned through your research as well as through the course regarding your topic in the concluding remarks of your paper. The discussion and conclusions section should be one to two (1-2) pages in length.

In this section, you will include:

Talk about your overall results and story
Interpret your findings and discoveries moving from specific to general. Include the following:
Evaluate your hypothesis
Discuss unexpected results
Tie in your literature review by linking your findings to the research you reviewed
Consider the following:
Focus on new information or broaden your perspective; do not repeat your results section
Discuss literature findings (differences and commonalities)
Discuss limitations and future research
Were the results of your final project experiment the same as your expected hypotheses?
Mention any results that run counter to your expected hypotheses. In your opinion, what factors could have influenced the results?
What real-life psychological phenomena might be explained or modeled by the findings of this experiment? How?

You must use only COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY sources for all references.

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