Code of Ethics

by | Apr 25, 2024 | Ethics | 0 comments

Business Ethics Touchstone 2 Template



Step 1. Select ONE code of ethics from the list provided.

Step 2. Answer the following questions, applying the vocabulary and concepts from the tutorials.

1. Give the name of the company or organization you have chosen from the list above.
2. Find each of the following topics in the code of ethics you have chosen. Write 1-2 sentences paraphrasing or summarizing the company policy on each topic. If you cannot find a policy on the topic, indicate why you think they company did not provide a policy and what potential problems might occur because they do not have a policy.
Basic conduct     
Giving and receiving gifts     
Insider trading     
Social media usage     
3. Based on the evidence seen in part 2, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph describing whether the company’s ethical code describes an ethical minimum (legal compliance) or a higher ethical standard. Support your answers with specific examples from the code of ethics.
4. Based on the evidence seen in part 2, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph describing what kind of culture the company seems to have based on the competing values framework (adhocracy, clan, market, hierarchy). Write 5-7 sentences supporting your answer with specific examples from the code of ethics.
5. Based on the evidence seen in part 2, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph describing what ethical theory they seem to follow (virtue ethics, utilitarianism, or deontology). Support your answer with specific examples from the code of ethics.
6. Based on this organization’s code of ethics, write 2-3 sentences in response to each question.
Do you feel they are reasonable and employee-centered?   
Do any of the policies give you concern?   
Would you want to work here? Why or why not?   
What additional information would you find useful before making a decision to work here or not?   

Step 3. Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

❒ Did you select a code of ethics from the ones listed above and read it carefully in its entirety?

❒ Did you locate each topic in the code of ethics and describe it in your own words?

❒ If any policy is missing, did you explain in your own words why they may not have included a policy and what problems may occur because of this?

❒ Did you answer all of the subsequent questions using both language from the code of ethics and the concepts and terms covered in the tutorials?

❒ Did you meet the length requirements for each question?

❒ Did you review the rubric and compare your assignment with the rubric to ensure all elements have been addressed?

❒ Did you read through your assignment to ensure no grammar errors exist? Did you use spell check?

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