Discovery of the New World

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments


As we have learned in Unit 3, one of the global effects of the Age of Exploration, and specifically of the discovery of the New World, was an incredible exchange between the Old World and the New World. This is known as the Columbian Exchange. It resulted in the movement of massive amounts of plants, animals, diseases, and peoples along with cultures and technologies that ultimately spread across the world. For this discussion, you will study the Columbian Exchange and consider its impact, posting your conclusions and perspectives in the discussion forum.


To begin, please rewatch the Crash Course video on the Columbian Exchange, which is included below, and review The Columbian Exchange. This will provide you with an overview of the exchange and its influence. When you are ready to post, please respond to all three of the following questions about the Columbian Exchange:

  • Imagine you were an indigenous American at the time of Columbus’s arrival. To what tribe do you belong? What was your geographical location?
  • Next, explain to us what technologies or cultural artifacts did Columbus or the Spanish bring to your part of the world that fundamentally changed your way of life in a positive way? What did they bring that had the most significant negative impact?

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