Written Procedures

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Homework Help, Law | 0 comments


In the first part of the Skills Assignment, you drafted a policy statement. In this second part of the Skills Assignment, you will draft and submit written procedures to implement that policy statement.


Procedures – 4 to 6 pages
Draft the procedures for implementing the policy statement that you drafted in the first part of the Skills
Assignment. The procedural document should incorporate the elements discussed in the Module 4 lecture and the readings for this assignment.

  • Include relevant headings – e.g.,
  • Overview and Purpose
  • Definition of Terms (if appropriate)
  • Supporting Documents – e.g., relevant statutes, regulations, etc.
  • Scope
  • Policy – with relevant sections and subsections, if applicable
  • In drafting your written procedures you should keep in mind the following guidelines:


Think about the purpose of your procedural document: it is to include the steps necessary to comply with
the policy that you drafted. Make sure your that the written procedures actually accomplish the purpose
of your policy statement.

Your procedures should cover all of the information discussed in the module lectures with respect to
procedures (Module 4 in particular), such as

Step-by-step instructions

Enumerate your steps so the reader is guided through the process in the correct order.
The procedures should be clear and concise, but include sufficient detail so that the reader can comply.

Who (position or department) has oversight for ensuring compliance with the procedures.

Form: Clarity and Comprehension

Readers of the procedures must be able to quickly and completely understand what the procedures are
designed to accomplish.

They should be able to do so without having to read the title of the procedures or the policy
The procedures should also be understandable to someone who is not part of the industry in question.
Do not use examples or information that may quickly become outdated.
Be sure to spell out the words the first time when using an acronym.
You may consider incorporating a Definitions section to clearly define key terms and concepts.

Evaluation and Perspective

  • As you draft your procedures and review your first draft, you should evaluate them from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders.
  • Put on your regulator hat and review your procedural document to determine whether it adequately complies with any legal and/ or regulatory requirements.
  • Assume that you are an employee who must comply with the procedures. Are the procedures easy to understand and follow?

Additional Information

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of Part II, students will be able to:
Draft procedures for policy statements

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