August Wilson’s Fences Analysis

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Analysis, College (1-2), English

Write an essay analyzing August Wilson’s Fences that discusses why and how dialogue, plot, setting (time/place), and/or specific characters are used to depict the theme of romantic love.

For the play itself, some important contexts to consider are:

The time period in which the play was written
The playwright’s biography and his/her other writing
Contemporaneous works of theater (plays written or produced by other artists at roughly the same time)
The language of the play
The Setting
The Plot
The Characters

Your essay should incorporate details and quotes from the play (using parenthetical documentation with the playwright’s name), and you should use your own words to elaborate on the meanings of the details and quotes you use as evidence.

When writing your essay, the goal is to demonstrate what spin the play has on a particular theme. Be specific about the ways the theme is used and how the play’s use of time period, character, dialogue, and setting develop a deeper meaning to the theme. Provide details, including cited direct quotes from the play. Don’t forget that you must comment on the quotes you use to explain why they are significant.

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