Examining a Disaster event

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Assignment

PROMPT:  You are tasked with selecting one of the following areas and examining a disaster event, using ONE selected area as the foundation of your work BELOW. The areas from which you may select include:

  • Secondary Traumatic Stress (Effects of disasters on first responders/BH providers)
  • Environmental Vulnerabilities and Considerations
  • Critical Infrastructure Failures
  • Disaster in School Environments

Identify a recent disaster event (within the most recent 10 years), providing a description of the major events of the disaster leading up to, during, and after the event, to the extent possible.

Discuss, with detail and support, how the area is illustrated in the disaster event.

Explore how the selected element influenced disaster response efforts.

Provide details of the ways in which these influences were observed.

Discuss any barriers presented by the selected element in providing effectual behavioral health interventions.

Prepare a plan describing how the challenges experienced might be more effectively navigated using the principles of disaster behavioral health learned throughout the course.

Share the steps and resources you would deploy to overcome or avoid the challenges faced in the selected element.

INSTRUCTIONS: BOOK: Behavioral Health Response to Disasters by Julie Framingham / USE FOR ASSISTANCE


POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: 12 slides in length NOT including the required title slide and separate reference slide

SUMMARIZE IN OWN WORDS/JUST A FEW IN TEXT CITATIONS Detailed speaker notes should accompany slides containing mostly bullet point data to include the details


Ensure the plan presented is based upon evidenced based practices established in the field as effective in addressing psychological needs in disaster settings.

*****YOU will accurately identify student appropriate disaster event, incorporating the selected special consideration with exceptional detail and support, demonstrating how the area of concern is illustrated in the disaster event.

*****YOU will identifies and examines the ways in which the unique element under examination effects disaster response, providing significant, meaningful details of the influences seen, and barriers to behavioral health care, demonstrating an of these issues.

*****YOU will prepare a detailed disaster response plan outlining the way in which challenges will be overcome, grounded in principles of disaster behavioral health.

*****Work is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, and error free. APA FORMAT is used correctly in all element.

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