A significant message/communication event

by | Oct 3, 2021 | Assignment

Choose a significant message/ communication event you might be responsible for delivering as a team leader (eg a motivational speech or performance appraisal rather than something insignificant like a phone message).

With that message in mind complete the following activities:

Describe the reason and context of the communication. (100-150 words)

Identify those people who will be involved in the communication. (20-50 words)

Describe the ideal environment for the communication. (100-150 words)

Outline how you would make allowances for receivers who do not speak English proficiently. (150-200 words)

Identify and outline the desired outcome of the communication. (100-150 words)

Decide what method of communication you would use and explain why it would be suitable (eg written, spoken). (150200 words)

Decide what format you would use and explain why it would be suitable (eg electronic or personal formats). (150-200 words)

Identify any barriers to communication that might arise when delivering the message and explain how to minimise their impact, particularly those relating to listening. (150-200 words)

Outline how legislation or organisation policies and procedures might affect the communication. (150-200 words)

Explain how you would ensure the communication was carried out in a respectful and positive manner. (100-150 words)

Explain how you would ensure that receivers understood the message as intended. (100-150 words)

Identify ways you would build opportunities for receivers to clarify and confirm their understanding of the message. (100-150 words)

Describe how you would record the communication. (75-100 words)

Outline any follow up actions required as a result of the communication. (100-150 words)

Explain how you would reflect on the communication event to identify opportunities to improve similar communication processes in the future. (150-200 words

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