Adult Development

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Homework Help | 0 comments

Through this assignment, you will be able to critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Each week you will read and analyze two peer-reviewed research journal articles related to the weekly topics. You will use the South University Online Library databases to locate these articles. Other sources such as the text (other than as supporting citations), Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted.

Submit your analysis as a Word document using APA style guidelines. In your analysis:

Write a summary for each journal article.
Describe the main points of each article and how that article relates to the week’s course and text readings.
Evaluate the articles from your own thoughts and perspectives regarding the topics covered.
Use this topic area for the focus of your Week 1 article analysis:
Myths and realities of older adults: A biological and cognitive perspective

Submission Details:

Submit your assignment as a Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Name your document: SU_PSY3540_W1_Project_LastName_FirstInitial
Using APA format, appropriately cite your sources within the body of the paper. List your references on a separate page

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