What is an argumentative essay?
An argumentative essay or a persuasive essay is an essay meant to prove a point. For this, you need a well thought out argument and facts to support your claim. As with any other essay type, the end result should be something that will inspire your readers to agree with or accept the information that you have provided.

Parts of an Argumentative Essay
The main goal of your argumentative essay is to persuade the reader.
Before you begin writing, you must determine which side of the topic you’re going to take. The structure of the essay will stem from this point.
Also, you need to make sure that the introduction, the body paragraphs and the conclusion match your position.
Easy Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas
- The Importance of Wildlife Conservation
- Global Warming is real and we have to do something about it
- Advertising Promotes Bad Eating Habits in Children
- Fake News on Social Media is Destroying a Good Culture
- Civil Engineering – A Dream Career
- It is time to get rid of all pennies?
- Should students wear uniforms?
- Is human cloning fine?
- What has technology done to raising a child?
- Privacy on social public sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, google +
- Are texting and emailing ruining the English language e.g misspelled words and shorthand language
- Is global warming real?
- How has globalization changed our economy?
- Can you really trust your phone or computer?
- Should cell phones be allowed in school
- City Schools vs Suburb Schools
- Teachers Pay Raises
- Plastic Food Storage Bags Should be Banned
- Corporations Should Pay People Living Wage
- End Bullying in Schools
- College Athletes should be paid for Playing
- Global Warming Is a Fad
- War on Drugs
- How to Dress for a Job Interview?
- Arguing for driving age to be raised
- Raise wages for fast food workers
- Teaching children morals in school
- Traditional family was the best
- Teachers have too much freedom. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
- Younger generation’s attitude towards technology
- Opposing Handgun Control
- Protecting Gun Rights
- Progressive Punishment
- The Negative Impact of Social Media
- Why Students Should Leave School
- Should Students be allowed to Choose Their Own Grades?
- Clickbait headlines should be banned
- Memes or Gifs: A good joke can make you laugh
- Should Students be forced to Wear Uniforms?
- Ending death penalty
- Should people with tattoos be allowed to work for the police
- Gaming addiction
- Students should not bring cell phones to school
- Designer drugs
- School funding
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Children’s TV Shows
- Diversity in Higher Education
- What is better – lethal injection or electrocution in the USA?
- The advantages of the strict environment prisons in the USA bring up for convicted criminals released after serving a sentence
- College is a waste of money
- GMO food should be banned
- Pro-life and pro-choice sides?
- Should electronic books replace printed books?
- Does real food taste better than frozen food? What’s your opinion about it?
- Benefits of country music in comparison to rap and rock
- Should we use animals for testing?
- Do teachers deserve a higher salary?
- A woman should be able to choose to have an abortion
- Is there a solution to the growing population problem?
- Religion and Science
- College Admission Test
- Participation and Voting
- Education
- Rent Control
- Euthanasia (Right to Die)
- Crimes and punishment
- Space exploration
- Garbage and pollution
- National debt
- Planetary defense systems
- Do people rely too much on their phones?
- Modern medicine is killing people needlessly
- The government should tax junk food more
- Is outsourcing good for the economy?
- Healthy eating is often not cheap
- The UK needs to invest more in its prison system
- Western style democracy doesn’t work
- Wearing a suit does not mean you are an expert on a subject
- Should video games be rated by age groups?
- Do games increase real life violence?
- Should students be allowed to wear headphones while taking exams?
- Should there be a dress code at schools?
- Is it ok for children to get plastic surgery?
- Are violent video games good for children?
- Is watching the news beneficial for children?
- Does watching TV make people more intelligent?
- Should companies give employees paid time off to vote on E-day?
- Corporal Punishment
- Internet Censorship
- Portrayal of Homosexuals in media
- Recycling Is Good For the Environment
- Capital Punishment Is Ineffective
- Greedy Companies that are Responsible for the Economic Recession
- Why it is important to have a job for teenagers
- Should homework be abolished?
- Smoking Should Be Banned
- Students Are Better Off Studying in School
- Will Global Warming Destroy All Humans?
- Advertising on the internet is a waste of money