Australia’s gambling policy: motivations, implications, and options Bostock, W.W. (2005). Australia’s gambling policy: Motivations, implications, and options. Journal of Gambling Issues, Issue 13, 16pgs. Problem Gambling was initially described as a reallocation of wealth, on the basis of deliberate risk, involving gain to one party and loss to another, usually without the introduction of productive work on either side (Fuller, 1977, p. 12). The pros and cons of gambling would be delved into as the discourse progresses from discussing the gambling policy in Australia, the underlying motivational factors for its proliferation, gambling’s implications and alternative options open to the government in lieu of gambling, per se.
Bostock averred that the ultimate purpose of the paper is the assessment of the least damaging form of gambling policy, when all aspects of gambling are taken into account (Bostock, 2005, par. 1).
Specifically, the paper aims to proffer the following, to wit: (1) present Australia’s gambling policy. (2) determine the effects of gambling to individuals and the society. (3) identify the policy options. and (4) assess the overall impact of gambling after all factors have been taken into consideration.
Review of Literature
The author cited a three-volume report entitled Australia’s Gambling Industries as a source of evidence with special citation on Australian Interactive Gambling Act, 2001 which would be evaluated as needed. However, there was no portion which clearly indicated a review of literature. The article progressed from stating a brief introduction of the topic and clearly subdividing the body of the article into: (1) the extent of gambling in Australia. (2) motivations to gamble. (3) implications of gambling to the individual. (4) implications and effects of gambling for society. (5) gambling policy. (6) gambling policy options. and (7) non-traditional gambling.
The design for the study followed a research from a wide variety of authoritative secondary sources on the topic of gambling in Australia. The author used a qualitative narrative approach by presenting relevant findings from authoritative sources on the topics abovementioned.
The highlights of the article revealed the following findings: (1) statistics show that Australia manifests the highest rate of gambling in the world with 82% of adults engaging in gambling. (2) the top reason and motivating factor to gamble is the dream of winning, followed by social reasons enjoyment, employment and safe gambling environment, among others. (3) individuals could resort to develop psychological problems due to excessive gambling including depression, susceptibility to drug addiction, and tendencies for suicide. (4) society has also recognized the negative effects of gambling but more research is needed to qualify continued support gambling activities. (5) governments support gambling due to the revenue it generates despite its ill-effects to individuals and to the society. and (6) five policy options were presented, to wit: the fundamentalist option, the Monaco option, the Buthelezi option, the Tasmanian Green Youth Network/New Zealand Gambling Workshop option, and the survival of the fittest option.
The author highlighted the relevant issues presented in the topic: motivations, implications, and policy options of gambling in Australia. Through the use of authoritative secondary sources of research on the subject, the author was effective in enumerating the findings, as abovementioned.
Bostock proffered a concrete and abstract concluding discourse which briefly touched on the highlights of the subjects discussed. From the five policy options, the author averred that the Young Green Tasmania and the New Zealand Problem Gambling Foundation and Centre for Gambling Studies was the most appropriate due to the education and controls imposed on availability of gambling to individuals and to the society. Finally, the author indicated that it is really the accountability of government leaders and legislators to determine and weigh the implications and effects of gambling to the individuals, to the society, and to the nation, as a whole.
It is true that the effects of gambling should be weighed by political leaders in the light of the benefits it accords to each individual and to the society, in general. Leaders can in fact create stringent controls to emphasize the recreational values that gambling can accord but be vigilant of the ill-effects. By imposing controls in terms of age limits and frequency of gambling, leaders can incorporate the ethical principles and moral considerations in making gambling a legal and accessible. For instance, the minimum age that gambling institutions must follow to allow individuals within their confines is 25 which exemplifies more responsibility, self-control and accountability in their actions. rather than the 18 year-old limit which still puts these individuals as undergraduates with no or limited income of their own.
List of references
All references used by the author were clearly and appropriately referenced. A wide variety of authoritative and academic sources on the topic were used to create a comprehensive study on the subject of gambling.