Plea Bargain

Plea Bargain You are a county prosecutor. You have been presented with a case involving an alleged drug dealer who was arrested three days ago on the street. He was in possession of crack and crystal methamphetamine, packaged in small baggies, indicating the intent to...

Debates on Stress Coping

Debates on Stress Coping Lazarus’s cognitive approach suggests that the way you cope with stress is based on your mental process of how you interpret and appraise a stressful situation in which the level of appraisal determines the level of stress and the unique...

Community Corrections

Incarceration and probation are commonly used in the American correctional system. Incarceration takes away one’s freedom, while probation allows the offender to continue his or her free life as long as he or she meets certain conditions. Probation is one type...

BUS310: Creating a New Position

Complete this template based on the scenario and instructions in the Week 9 assignment: Creating a New Position. You are acting in the role of the Human Resources Manager. When you are finished, save your work and submit it via the link in your course. 1. Job Analysis...