Probabilities of Graduation and Publication

Probabilities of Graduation and PublicationInstructionsIn the following study, three different universities have been tracking a select group of professors over the course of their employment at that university to determine the number of students who are in a...

Inquiry from Within

Inquiry from Within – Investigation of SpendingThis assignment aligns with Outcome 3: Explore the role of artificial intelligence in enabling fraud detection and business valuation. Tom is a senior-level project manager at a small construction management...

Respiratory Care for Isolation Paper

Respiratory Care for Isolation PaperWRITING GUIDELINES FOR COURSE PAPERS Before you begin A paper that is important enough to write deserves thoughtful preparation. You should evaluate the content and Organization of your paper carefully. The following guidelines...

Formatting a PowerPoin Presentation

Pine UniversityFORMATTING A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION GETTING STARTED Save the file NP_PPT365_2021_1a_FirstLastName_1.pptx as NP_PPT365_2021_1a_FirstLastName_2.pptx Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”. If you do not see the .pptx file extension, do not type it....