1)Assume that you and two friends are debating whether to open an automotive and service retail chain that will be called Auto-Mart. Initially, Auto-Mart will open three stores locally, but the business plan anticipates going nationwide within 5 years. Currently, you and your future business partners are debating whether to focus Auto-Mart on a do-it-yourself or do-it-for-me business. A do-it-yourself business emphasizes the sale of retail auto parts that customers will use themselves to repair and service their cars. A do-it-for-me business emphasizes the offering of maintenance and service for customers. -Discuss whether to implement a do-it-yourself or do-it-for-me business emphasis. List the advantages of each emphasis and arrive at a conclusion as to which emphasis to implement. -Provide examples of real-world businesses that do-it-yourself or do-it-for-me business emphases. -How have they been useful in your personal experience? Explain. -Should they consider a mix of the two concepts? answer with 500 words
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