Autobiographical essay

by | Feb 16, 2021 | College (1-2)

Each student will write a minimum 1.5 page and maximum 2-page autobiographical essay addressing some aspect of race, class or gender (or any combination of the three) in your own life. This exercise in self-exploration will enhance your ability to benefit from the remainder of the course, which will depend heavily on your readiness and willingness to process information on both cognitive and affective levels. There are many different approaches you can take to this assignment. Examples: You can reflect on childhood perceptions, personal history or experiences. You can write about a specific experience concerning race, class or gender, values, beliefs, biases, or experiences of privilege/oppression that has left a lasting impression on you. You could also interview family members and compare different understandings of race, class or gender within your immediate or extended family. You can give a chronological account of your own personal development. Please note that these are only suggestions, any approach is acceptable as long as it relates to your own personal experience.

The following rubric will be used to grade this assignment:

The writer integrates some aspect or aspects of race, class or gender into a personal narrative, demonstrating effectively her understanding of how cultural dynamics can be understood through her own personal experience (50 points).
A good read essay; the narrative is creative, and it effectively engages the reader (50 points).
The writer discusses new learning that has emerged as a result of preparing and writing her essay (25 points).
The writer attends effectively to structural issues, including organization, spelling, grammar and punctuation (25 points).

Times New Romans, Font size 12, double spaced. Reference style APA or MLA.
Cover Page (with student name, assignment, course and section). Please note the cover page is NOT part of the assignment page requirement.
Bibliography/ Reference: at the end of your assignment on a separate page. Please note the reference page is NOT part of the assignment page requirement.
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