Benefits of learning accounting

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Assignment

GET ANSWER – Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 7: Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash, Chapter 8: Reporting and Analyzing Receivables, Chapter 9: Reporting and Analyzing Long-Lived Assets in your course text.

Consider the following scenario: Your friend (who is also in school) just emailed you to express frustration with his accounting class. In the email, they said, “Why do I need to take accounting? What will I ever need to know about reporting and analyzing long-lived assets? I am a management major.”

In your initial post, write a 200- to 250-word response to your friend, including specific details about the benefits of learning accounting. Focus particularly on reporting and analyzing long-lived assets from a manager’s perspective. Discuss the benefit and purpose of learning accounting as a business student.

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