Buster Keaton’s film The General

by | Nov 6, 2021 | Assignment

All questions based on Buster Keaton’s film “The General.” 1) Place Keaton historically vis-å-vis other filmmakers of his time; when did he come in and how long did he last? What contributed to his decline?

2) In “The General” how did Keaton distinguish himself from Chaplin’s style. What was the same? Be specific about shots/scenes and/or actions.

3) How important was plot in “The General” ? Briefly discuss its narrative power. Give examples.

4) Teach us something about the film’s theme. How relevant is this to modern life now and to aspects of “modernism” relevant to the Jazz Age?

5) What insights into human relationships does Keaton show in “The General”?

6) How does Keaton compensate for as the text points out to his “apparent lack of emotion” ? Cite at least one clear-cut example from the film.

7) Give a clear example at how Keaton uses at least three aspects of film grammar for an ingenious comic effect?

8) Discuss briefly the antagonistic force of the drama and how then this film justifies itself as a comedy. How is happiness justified at the end? What kind of marriage are we left with?

9) Honestly, what strikes you as different or the same about Keaton’s comedy and some of the comedies today, ie. Apatow’s, the Farrelly’s, Jim Carrey’s, Ben Stiller’s, Adam Sandler’s and/or say Jackie Chan’s approach to comedy?

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