Cardiovascular Assessment

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

Cardiovascular Assessment AssignmentThe goal of this assignment is to become familiar with estimations of cardiovascular fitness, in both an online capacity and a field-based testing capacity. It is important to know the difference between what your clients can calculate online, in terms of fitness capacity, and what you can indirectly test with two different protocols. This will allow you to regularly assess fitness levels on your clients to determine if training is working to improve cardiovascular health and fitness. The information gleaned from this assignment is invaluable and will deepen your understanding of how to determine cardiovascular fitness and make improvements upon a baseline value.Step 1: Using the following online calculators, enter the requisite information to gauge an estimate of your cardiovascular fitness. The first one is part of a larger project from Europe and is interesting, with regards to the battery of questions. For the second link, scroll down midway to the page and use the two calculators to gauge two additional estimates of VO2max. Remember to record those values, as you will need them for your assignment:·· 2: Locate a 400-meter indoor or outdoor track for the next two tests. If that is not possible, find an indoor track that would allow you to run or walk for 1 to 1.5 miles. You will also need a heart rate monitor and watch, preferably with GPS distance tracking. If you don’t have that, you will need to to estimate distance covered. Additionally, if you can find someone to time you during your walk and run, it would make things a bit smoother. Walking Test: This test requires the athlete to walk one mile (1609 metres) as fast as possible.·      The athlete warms up for 10 minutes·      The assistant says “GO,” starts the stopwatch. and the athlete commences the test ·      The assistant records the following:o  time taken to complete the testo  the athlete’s heart rate immediately on finishing·      Plug the data into the following calculator:·      Record the dataRunning Test: This test requires the athlete to run as far as possible in 12 minutes·      The athlete warms up for 10 minutes·      The assistant says “GO,” starts the stopwatch and the athlete commences the test·      The assistant keeps the athlete informed of the remaining time at the end of each lap (400m)·      The assistant informs the athlete when the 12 minutes has elapsed and records the distance the athlete covered to the nearest foot/meter·      Plug the data into the following calculator:  There are two on this website – one that classifies fitness and one giving VO2max score.o  Please do both estimates, as they both use total distance covered for the 12 minutes.Step 3: Critically analyze the results from the websites and the results from the field testing. , explain the similarities and differences, the level of accuracy or error of each, and why one would be better than the other two. External citations are welcome and encouraged, as long as they’re cited in proper. Make sure you’re answering the following questions in your analysis:·      Why is it important to know one’s fitness classification and VO2max value?·      What health risks might it imply if cardiovascular fitness is poor, good, or excellent?·      How could you use these calculations and field tests for your clients?·      What have you learned through this assignment that will better prepare you as a professional?

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