Design a supply chain for an organization

Assignment Overview This assignment requires you to design a supply chain for an organization in a case study, taking into account alternative distribution plans and organizational processes. Assignment Directions To complete this assignment: Review Case 4,...

M-Commerce solution

For this project you will work to propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem. You will research, analyze, define, and propose a technology-based business solution. You can use an existing or fictitious organization. The end product will be...

Training employees

Please select four questions from the following list of six. Question 1: Developing employees is different than training employees, though human resource functions often tend to group these activities together. Training and development are not always mutually...

Occupation vs. profession

1) What are the characteristics that make an occupation a profession?  List and define at least 5. What characteristics does the hospitality industry have that might  qualify it as a profession? List at least 3 and give examples or  definitions of these...