Adult Development

InstructionsThrough this assignment, you will be able to critically evaluate research studies in the field of adult development. Each week you will read and analyze two peer-reviewed research journal articles related to the weekly topics. You will use the South...

Euthanasia and life imprisonment

InstructionsFor this assignment, you will analyze two topics (i.e., euthanasia and life imprisonment) that create issues about questioning one’s morals and ethics versus legality. Based upon your research and understanding, address the following: For each topic,...

Final Career Research Portfolio

Final Career Research Portfolio Instructions:Directions: Use this outline to create your Career Research Report. Your Career Research Report will come from your research (include data, quotes and statistics). Create a well-written essay, MLA format (five paragraphs)...

Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Job Training

Option/Question 2: Chapter 11 in the textbook, “Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Job Training,” contains discussion of the treatment of drug abuse and dependence, inclusive of treatment programs inside of prisons and treatment programs outside of prisons...

Probation, Parole, and Intermediate Sanctions

Option/Question 1: Chapter 10 of the textbook, “Probation, Parole, and Intermediate Sanctions,” contains discussion of probation, parole, and common probation and parole conditions, inclusive of refraining from the use of illegal drugs and submitting to...

Theory of Counseling

Write a 5 to 7 page reflection paper on your theory of counseling. In our quest to create our own personal counseling style we often overlook one of the cornerstones of that endeavor: the counselor’s worldview. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand yourself...