Net Metering System

Fact PatternNet metering is a practice for electricity billing. Under a net metering system, customers of a utility company who also generate their own electricity (say, by having rooftop solar panels) can sell that electricity back to the utility company to whom they...

New Regulation

ScenarioYou work for a midsized, private company that makes furniture and that is not accustomed to working with regulators. However, your company has just gotten wind that a federal agency may be about to start a process through which the agency will make a...

Regulatory Compliance

BackgroundAs you have learned during the course, regulatory compliance requires constant vigilance by the board of directors, company executives, and employees. Constant vigilance, in turn, requires that all of these corporate actors be actively involved in...

Audit Procedures

Instructions Audit Procedures – 4 to 6 pages Imagine that the policy and procedures you developed for Part I and Part II have been adopted and implemented in your company/agency/firm. Draft audit procedures to test the efficacy of your procedures. Draft audit...

Working with Statutory Ambiguity

Fact PatternFederal law creates a substantial tax credit for renewable energy projects by residents and businesses, called the energy investment tax credit (ITC). The amount of the ITC credit depends, according to the statute, on the date at which...

Written Procedures

Background In the first part of the Skills Assignment, you drafted a policy statement. In this second part of the Skills Assignment, you will draft and submit written procedures to implement that policy statement. Assignment Procedures – 4 to 6 pagesDraft the...