Columbia State Adaptation of Slave Narratives

by | Mar 25, 2022 | History

Watch the video below

and follow rubric which is attached as the other pdf. Each paragraph has instructions on what it needs. Read everything please.


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

• Analyze historical facts and interpretations

• Analyze and compare political, geographic, economic, social, cultural, religious, and intellectual institutions, structures, and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures

• Recognize and articulate the diversity of human experience across a range of historical periods and the complexities of a global culture and society

• Draw on historical perspective to evaluate contemporary problems/issues

• Analyze the contributions of past cultures/societies to the contemporary world


The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential for your success in this course, in college, in the field of History, and in your professional life beyond college:

• Analyzing and synthesizing primary documents presented in a stage performance

• Comparing and contrasting experiences and perspectives

• Thinking critically about historical information and the way it is presented


This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content in this discipline:

• The experiences and perspectives of African Americans enduring slavery in the American South

• The experiences and perspectives of white slaveowners and non-slaveowners observing slavery in the American South


Watch the Columbia State Humanities Department’s An Adaptation of Slave Narratives found in Content under American Voices as AV 2. Complete and submit a ten-paragraph written assignment based on this content (and this content alone) addressing each of the three topics below and following the instructions and format for each topic:

1 Compare and contrast the accounts of former slaves appearing in the play: 

• Select four slave characters from the play and, in one paragraph each, describe what you learned from each account about the worst aspects of being a slave (Paragraphs one, two, three, and four).  Hint: Be intentional about each character you choose to write about with the goal of discovering something specific to each account.  Avoid selecting a character for either of the first four paragraphs that does not describe some forms of hardship, suffering, or deprivation – there are two or three of those in the play, but you’ll need one of them for paragraph five

• Select one slave character that does not tell of hardships or suffering because of slavery but, instead, provides a different perspective. Look for a clue in the account that may shed light on this character’s atypical experience and use that clue to explain this character’s story (paragraph five)

2 Compare and contrast the accounts of the white characters that appear in the play:

• Select three white characters, slaveowners or non-slaveowners, from the play and, in one paragraph each, describe each character’s attitude toward the slaves and the institution of slavery (Paragraphs six, seven, and eight)

3 Critically examine the production of this historical play and the performances:

• Select and write on one actor’s performance – explain what you liked about it, what you didn’t like about it, and how you would have played the played the part differently, to make it more effective, even though you would have been acting from the same script (Paragraph nine)

• In a final paragraph describe what impacted you the most about this play – it may have been one character, or one performance, or one visual, or something about the music, or some facet about how it was staged, or anything else that stood out particularly to you (Paragraph ten) 

Criteria for Success

A submission that follows the instructions provided in the Task above will contain ten paragraphs. No introductory or closing paragraph is required.

The name of the assignment, Analyze, Synthesize, and Compare and Contrast: Columbia State Adaptation of Slave Narratives, should appear at the top of the submission. 

This assignment is worth up to 100 points.  Each paragraph will be scored by content based on the specific instructions for each – see the rubric for point values.  Each paragraph should be concise but complete.  Make sure you have addressed the questions as they were asked.  Your submission should also be written in complete sentences, be grammatically correct, and contain no spelling errors.  Points will be deducted for multiple misspellings, incomplete sentences, and grammatical errors.

Direct quotes from a character you choose to write about are permissible but should be brief.  Do not include more than one sentence, or partial sentence, in a quote. When you choose to use a direct quote, you should identify the person by name within the paragraph (you do not have to provide endnotes or footnotes). Examples:

• Ms. Peters ended her story with a shocking reveal: “But that’s how I came to be.” 

• Despite his prejudice toward the slaves, Young, nevertheless, declared that, in his estimation, “a man that is not willing to have slavery destroyed, is not a Union man.” 

• “That’s just the way white folks was,” Elizabeth Sparks concluded, “some had hearts, some had gizzards for hearts.”

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