Community policing efforts

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Assignment

As we have learned, no two community policing efforts are the same. In fact, some police departments participate in more than one community policing efforts at the same time and do so is somewhat dissimilar fashions. Search for examples of community policing efforts in jurisdictions that have low income and high-income areas that both have diverse populations. Determine how the police departments facilitate community policing in both areas. This may require that you call or visit that agency. Evaluate how the law enforcement staff is managed to address the unique situations in both of these areas and establish a meaningful community policing program. Provide a citation or a description of your sources.

In approximately 150 words, summarize what you have learned and cite any sources you have used. Then, in approximately 300 words, address the following issues;

1) How do police departments go about recognizing the need to adjust their community policing approaches based on community demographics?

2) What are the major obstacles in making significant adjustments in community policing planning in the same jurisdiction?

Follow Up Posts

After your initial post, read over the items posted by your peers. Select two different posts, and address the following items in your responses:

1) How could running significantly different community policing programs in the same jurisdiction strengthen the ability of law enforcement to respond to diverse situations?

2) Describe what you see as potential negative effects of one jurisdiction conducting significantly different community policing efforts in different demographic locations.

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