Conflict narrative essay

by | Sep 25, 2022 | Homework Help

Your assignment for this module is to write a narrative essay. You may base this story on an experience you have had or create a completely fictional story; regardless, make sure your narrative centers on a compelling conflict that propels the action forward. Use description to effectively flesh out the characters that appear in the story and to make the settings in which it takes place come alive. Use chronological order to present your experience in a logical manner; you may also use flashbacks (or perhaps even flash forwards) to jump around in time, but make sure the reader can easily follow the action of the story. Use transitions to effectively tie events together and connect your ideas. Your final paper should be 2–4 typed, double spaced pages (approximately 500 to 1000 words). Use word MLA format.

Download and carefully read the assignment: Writing a Narrative Essay Download Writing a Narrative Essay

Complete the following steps:

Prewriting (Questioning & Freewriting)

Focusing, Outlining, and Drafting (You may submit your outline via the “Narrative Outline” discussion for feedback from your instructor).

Revising, Editing, and Proofreading



This assignment requires a file upload submission. After you have reviewed the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Submit Assignment button next to the assignment title. Browse for your file and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission.


This assignment is worth 100 points toward your final grade and will be graded using the Narrative Essay Rubric. Please use the rubric as a guide toward the successful completion of this assignment.

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