Create a story map in ArcGIS Online

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Assignment

Recommended resource: Fu, Pinde: Getting to know WebGIS, 3rd edition

You are to create a story map in ArcGIS Online, with several map layers to analyze and evaluate the current economic impact in California of COVID19. Many different routes and variations can lead to a good solution, and that is by intention. As you go through this exercise, I want you to make decisions about what the best possible path to a good solution will be. Therefore, please read the entire project first, then check what you think will be the best route to success by making notes on each point about what you intend to do. Once you are clear about each step conceptually (not necessarily what the mouse clicks are to get there), get started.

In our moodle shell, under midterm, you will find two data files. One is an excel file, the other a GeoJson File. Please inspect the excel file for content. If you would like to know more about what a GeoJson file is, please search online, but learning about this is not required to complete the midterm.

The excel file contains April employment numbers for California by MSA (make sure you understand what an MSA is) for the last 30 years. The project has two parts: creating web maps and integrating, interpreting, and presenting the information in a web-app.

To submit the project, take screen shots of each map as well as each step of the web-app. Copy those into the same word document on which you will answer the questions below. Do not share your web-app or web-maps at this point. However, I will ask you to do so at a later date, so please be prepared. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade for your midterm.

Part 1: Web-Maps

Upload the excel file as a hosted feature layer Create a web-map that shows increases or decreases in employment by MSA from April 2019 to April 2020. Choose symbology that immediately makes it clear whether we have experienced an increase or a decrease in employment. How many MSAs saw increases in employment? Answer:___ Which MSA saw the largest decrease? By how much? Answer ______________ Which field or fields in your excel table did the system use to determine the location on the map? Activate pop-ups and increase their functionality. In particular: Configure your Pop-ups to look neat and clean. Configure an attribute that shows the growth rate, rounded to two decimals. Include a bar chart with employment numbers for each year from 1990 till 2020. We want to compare this year’s growth / decline rate with the overall growth pattern of employment over the last 30 years. Create a new layer that shows growth from April 1990 to April 2019. Again, make sure to choose appropriate symbology. Hint: you can copy the layer that you created earlier and change the value displayed. Make sure you save your webmap. In preparation for the presentation of your story map, upload the GeoJson file into a hosted feature layer and create a webmap from it. Style it according to your taste (do not leave as is) and save the webmap.

Part 2: Create a story map that helps us understand the employment situation in California

Create a Web-app that will allow you to create several displays and show them at the same time. Choose from the templates that are available and that fits this purpose the best. Display 1: Create an introductory display of your choice to introduce your readers to what this story map is about. Display 2: Your first map display is the change in employment in California MSAs over the last year. Upload the webmap layer you created for this purpose. Set extent to California. Find appropriate headers and side panel texts or illustrations as you see fit. Display 3: Next, show the webmap layer with employment growth from 1990 to 2020. Again, select titles and text as you see fit. Display 4: show the counts of businesses at risk: for this you will have to add the content from ArcGIS online. When you add the map, search for the map that looks like this: As before, Add title and explanatory text. Make sure that the legend is included. Display 5: Extra credit – not required! To make your story complete, add a map that shows current cases from Covid 19, such as: Add title and comment / description. Display 6: Show the MSA extent from the GeoJson webmap. What is the difference in geographic coverage by data point between the data on employment and the data on business risk or covid 19 cases? Comment on this in your side panel and / or header. Save your web-app.

Copy the answers from questions 3-5 into a word file. In the same word file, answer the following questions:

When you read the comparison panel, what do you observe? What makes it technically difficult to compare the data shown in the comparison panel? (different geographic extent of data) When you compare the employment growth rates 1990-2019 versus the drop from 2019 to 2020, what do you observe? Based on your answers, add a final tab in your storymap with a conclusion. Write the conclusion as a one paragraph narrative and save it.

Save your web-app, take screen-shots of every display, and copy it into the same word file that contains your answers. Make sure it has your name and section identifier on it. Drop the word file with screenshots into moodle dropbox

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