Crime Control and Sentencing

by | Apr 25, 2024 | Criminal Justice | 0 comments


1.) This assignment provides three (3) options/questions. Choose one (1) option/question and write an essay (1.200 — 1,500 words) answering the question. You should be sure to address everything the question inquires about and to be thorough in your explanation. The essay should be between 1200 and 1,500 words in length. Please keep in mind the fact that 1,200 words is the minimum length. The depth and detail of your essay will be taken into consideration when the essay is graded, so it is in your best interest to be thorough in your essay.

2.) Be sure to adequately address each key issue a question asks about and balance your essay. In other words, roughly equivalent attention should be afforded to each key issue. You should NOT, for example, dedicate two-thirds of your essay to one of the issues inquired about and then just briefly touch upon the others,

3.) Regarding personal opinion/ideas/analyses of the issues: Some of the essay questions may ask you to provide an opinion or your personal ideas about or analysis of an issue. With respect to personal opinion/ideas/analyses, there is NOT a right or wrong answer. No points will be deducted because a student voices a specific opinion or expresses a particular idea. However, when presenting an opinion/idea/analysis you MUST provide a clear explanation and rationale for your opinion/analysis/ideas In other words, you need to describe and discuss your thoughts on the matter and provide a supporting argument for your opinion/views/ideas. Do NOT just provide an opinion/view/analysis without also providing a rationale.

4.) Regarding outside research/reference materials (i.e., any research/reference materials other than the required text and/or assigned readings), no outside materials are necessary, expected, or permitted for this assignment, The essay you write must be based on the materials assigned in this class,

5.) Regarding the use of quotes and the matter of plagiarism, you should feel free to use quotes from the textbook and/or assigned readings, but such quotes should be used sparingly, In other words, you should use no more than a few quotes in the essay (four or five, at the most) and the quotes should be short and relevant. There should be no long quotes (i,e, no quote should be more than a single sentence in length) in your essay nor should your essay consist primarily of a series of quotes from the text. You should NOT use any direct quotes from the online synopses of the assigned readings nor should any of your essays strongly resemble the online summaries of the assigned readings. In short, all essays must be original. They should be written in your own words and, in the event that a question requires you to present an opinion, the opinion you present should be your own.

When using quotes, all quotes should be in quotation marks and should indicate the author(s) and page number from the text (see examples below). Please keep in mind the fact that, as stated on the course syllabi, the penalty for plagiarism is a failing grade for the class.

Direct Quote Example #1: Worrall suggests that “Liberals often favor the protection of people’s rights and liberties to a higher degree than their conservative counterparts do” (p. 34).

Direct Quote Example #2 Research on police-public contacts has shown that roughly “6.7% of U.S. residents age 16 or older initiated contact with police on one or more occasions to report a crime, disturbance, or suspicious activity, while 3.5% initiated contact to report a non-crime emergency” (Davis, Whyde, and Langton, p. 5).

6.) The essay submitted is the essay which will be graded. When submitting an essay in response to an essay assignment, students should be sure to submit the final draft of their essay. The essay which is submitted is the essay which will be graded. In other words, in the event that a student accidentally submits an incomplete essay, a preliminary draft of the essay, or even the wrong essay (e.g,, an essay prepared for a different class) and later realizes that the wrong essay was submitted, there are no options for re-submitting the essay, The essay which is submitted is the essay that will be graded, so when submitting an essay all students should be certain that the work submitted is the correct work for the assignment.

Essay Assignment #2 Options/Questions (Choose and Respond to One [1] Option/Question)

Option/Question 1: Chapter 7 of the textbook, “Crime Control Through Legislation,” contains a discussion of America’s “drug problem” and laws designed to limit or ban the use of specific psychoactive substances (see sections titled “Drug Bans,” “The Scope of America’s Drug Problem,” and “Drug Ban Problems”). The federal report 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-up Period (2005-2014) contains some discussion of the release and recidivism of persons incarcerated for drug-related offenses. Write an essay which briefly summarizes (1) the “drug problem” in the United States, (ii) the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of laws which criminalize the use of drugs, and (iii) recidivism among drug offenders released from prison.

Option/Question 2: Chapter 9 in the textbook, “Sentencing,” focuses on the sentences of convicted criminal offenders and contains discussion of various types of offenders (see section titled “Thinking About Various Types of Offenders”) and sentencing strategies/tactics which may result in longer sentences such as determinate sentencing and mandatory sentences. The federal report 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-up Period (2005-2014) contains some discussion of differences in recidivism among different types of offenders (i.e., drug offenders, property offenders, violent offenders, public order offenders) and the research which shows that recidivism rates are lower among violent offenders than among other types of offenders,

Write an essay which briefly summarizes (I) determinate sentencing and mandatory sentences which require offenders be sentenced to set periods of time in prison, (ii) the research on the differences in recidivism between different types of offenders, and (iii) YOUR VIEWS on which type of offense/offender deserves the longest prison sentence, The issue being asked about here is whether violent offenders who have relatively low rates of recidivism should be incarcerated for longer periods of time than non-violent offenders (especially property offenders and drug offenders) who have higher rates of recidivism than do violent offenders, In other words, should the prison sentence be based on the offense (violent vs. non-violent) or the likelihood that a person will continue to engage in crime (one-time offenders vs.. repeat offenders)?

Option/Question 3: Chapter 9 in the textbook, “Sentencing,” focuses on the sentences of convicted criminal offenders and contains considerable discussion of three-strikes laws, support and criticism of three-strikes laws, and the research on three-strikes laws (see section titled “Three-Strikes Legislation”), The federal report 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-up Period (2005-2014) focuses on recidivism and shows that, overall, the majority of persons released from prison continue to engage in crime. Write an essay which briefly summarizes (j) three-strikes laws and the research on effects (or lack thereof) of such laws on crime rates, (ii) the research on recidivism among released prisoners, and (iii) YOUR VIEWS on whether three-strikes laws should or should not be utilized. In other words, although the research on the effect of three-strikes laws on crime rates is inconclusive (some studies suggest the laws reduce creme rates, some studies suggest the laws do not reduce crime rates, and some studies suggest the laws contribute to an increase in crime), three-strikes laws do help keep repeat offenders off the streets, but at a substantial cost to the American taxpayer, In short, do YOU THINK three strikes laws are humane and/or do YOU THINK three strikes laws are worth the cost to the taxpayer?

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