Criminology relevant issue

by | Oct 10, 2021 | Assignment

ENGAGING THE PROBLEM PROJECT: Each student will be required to choose among three options for a project that engages a conservation criminology relevant issue. All projects are to be completed in Times New Roman 12pt., font with 1-inch margins on all sides and be double-spaced. Each project should have a title page with information centered on the page as follows:

  • Full Name
  • Semester and Date
  • Course Title
  • Project Title with subcategory(e.g., Yabba Dabba Doo: A Documentary Review of Yogi the Bear)

The title page and title page contents, figures or images do not count toward your page or word limits. Please see specific instructions below.

Option A: Documentary Review

The first option is to submit a film review (between 800 and 1000 words) and detail how it relates to conservation criminology and environmental crime or harm. Please feel welcome to propose a documentary not yet listed. Examples that would be acceptable include the following below. Please feel free to propose a documentary for review and I will determine if it is suitable. Examples below:

  • Docuseek 2 Addicted to Plastic (Bullfrog Films, 2008).
  • After the Spill (Bullfrog Films, 2016)
  • The Age of Stupid (Bullfrog Films, 2010).
  • Backfired (Bullfrog Films, 2018)
  • Gladesmen (Bullfrog Films, 2018).
  • [Florida based; tourism] Gringo Trails (Icarus Films, 2014)
  • [Tourism] Milking the Rhino (Bullfrog Films, 2009)
  • Netflix A Plastic Ocean (2016)
  • Chasing Coral (2017)
  • The Ivory Game (2016)
  • Tyke Elephant Outlaw (2015)
  • Virunga (2014)

Option B: Opinion Editorial

The second option is an op-ed piece, which directly draw on the course material (between 600-800 words). Students are invited to structure their article as they see fit but must be an original piece. Articles should indicate where they intend to be submitted and be of high quality. Notify the instructor if you intend to take this option and forward the link once the op-ed is published. For this option you need to add ‘Desired Publication Outlet’ below the title on the title page.

Option C: Naturalist Journey Blog

The third option is to reach a specified destination, take a selfie and other photographs there (2-3 total), and write two to three pages (double-spaced) regarding your experience and relating back to course content. Each photograph needs to be number and found at the end of the blog and have a brief caption. Photographs must be taken by you or have you in them. Use of copyrighted or other people’s photographs of experiences is considered plagiarism for the purpose of this assignment. Captions can appear above or below the photograph but need to be consistent. Reference your photograph like you would an in text reference, parenthetically. Photographs and title page do not count toward the page number

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