Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Assignment

For this Work Product, you will demonstrate your ability to plan developmentally appropriate preschool math and science activities, and to plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an integrated math/science lesson for preschool children. You are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist when completing this Assessment.Professional Skill: Written Communication,Critical Thinking andInformation Literacy are assessed in this Competency.Your response to this Assessment should: Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric. Adhere to the required length. Conform to APA style guidelines. You may use Walden Writing Center’s APA Course Paper Template.This Assessment requires submission of two (2) documents. Save these documents as follows: For Part I, save your math and science activities asPR008_PartI_firstinitial_lastname(for example, PR008_PartI_J_Smith). For Part II, save your Math/Science Integrated Lesson asPR008_PartII_firstinitial_lastname.

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