Cryptosystems in modern industry

by | Nov 17, 2021 | Assignment

Assignment instructions:  For this assignment, you should submit the topic you selected from the “Graded Discussion 2”. Explain your topic.  This is a brief description of your topic and state why you selected this topic with reference to “Cryptosystems in Modern Industry”

Remember in the “Graded Discussion 2”, you were asked to select an industry and discuss some issues with cryptography within the said industry. This discussion is a building block for future discussion and course assignments.

Please set your focus around this industry and the issues you presented in the discussion group as the next assignments will heavily depend upon your initial conversation.

Format: Review the APA writing style Resources page and use the APA writing format to submit your topic paper.

Presentation: develop 1 to 2 paragraphs (no more than 300 words) summarizing the topic.  In this brief description, state why you selected this topic with reference to “Cryptosystems in Modern Industry”

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