Cultural/Health Promotion Presentation

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Homework Help, Nursing

NURS 125 Authentic Assessment
EOPSLO #1 Employ critical thinking and reasoning to utilize the nursing process as a framework to deliver comprehensive, safe, and culturally sensitive care across the lifespan.

NURS 125 Cultural/Health Promotion Presentation

Objectives: The purpose of this assignment is to increase your knowledge of different life developmental stages in the healthcare setting. By utilizing this knowledge in a “clinical setting”, it will provide a foundation for you towards becoming competent in your role as a nurse. You will also incorporate Health Promotion by asking pertinent assessment questions.

End of Program Student Learning Outcome #1: Employ critical thinking and reasoning to utilize the Nursing Process as a framework to deliver comprehensive, safe, and culturally sensitive care across the lifespan.

Points allotted: 100


  • You will be working individually per instructor discretion
  • You will choose a slip of paper which lists a developmental stage.
  • In each presentation, you will be the patient/family member and the instructor will be the nurse.

You will research this lifespan stage as it relates to the clinical setting. You will then enact for the class an interaction between the nurse and patient/family. The instructor will ask questions from the Health Promotion Assessment (attached)

The “patient” will act and answer questions as though you are in that developmental stage with the knowledge you have researched.

  • The student will have questions written down as part of his/her health history that will be asked to the patient or the family member whichever is appropriate for the developmental stage.
  • Complete nursing diagnosis and plan using template provided. See rubric. • The presentation should last 10-15 minutes.
  • Each person should turn in their script typed
  • References need to be documented in APA format.

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